Bird Watching
100 Days of Camping Day #17
Bird watching is very easy to do at Wilderness Lakes in Menifee. Surrounded by desert, the grassy shores of the canals in this resort is a welcome oasis that attract many different birds. Earlier this spring there were several nests, followed of course by babies and more babies. I never knew what devoted parents geese are. Both mother and father fiercely protect their little ones, yet are still friendly enough to eat out of the hands of anyone patient enough to spend time with them. We aren't that patient, but we can still draw a crowd when we give the kids a bag of bird feed, 50 cents at the on-sight store.
But tonight we were not seeking a crowd, only going for an evening stroll with the informal destination of visiting a friend we have seen off and on since early spring. We really love him and the kids were excited to see his little dog Ted too. And of course Ted remembered the children and couldn't wait to get out of the door as we approached.
There are of course things about living in an old RV that are less than glamorous. And like many families, financial strain has been a struggle this year. We all have our own trials we are working with. But living in a campground has been an oasis of peace for me as well. I realize that I get to know some our neighbors of a 1-2 week period better than many Americans know their next-door neighbors of a decade or more. Sure, there are feuds and fights that happen here too, but the overall culture of RV parks is different. People sit outside under their awnings, and if you walk by, it would be strange and rather rude to not wave and say "Hi". And one would not be imposing to comment on the weather, or compliment them on their camp set-up, their cute pet, or their beautiful children. (I love hearing that!). And it would not be unusual stay and visit for 1/2 an hour or more. Every time I take the children for an evening stroll, I find refreshment and I can emotionally recenter myself. I feel motivated to be a better person. I am reminded that there are a lot of good people in the world. Rich or poor, comfortably retired or struggling to make ends meet, the beauty of nature smiles on all.
Whenever I hear the song of a bird, or look at the blue, blue sky,
Whenever I feel the rain on my face, or the wind as it rushes by,
Whenever I touch a velvet rose, or walk by a lilac tree,
I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world Heavenly Father created for me.
About the Author
Tamsyn Spackman
Tamsyn is a 2nd generation homeschooling mom. And is excited to be on the road with her family. See her other projects on and