Moving Day? Sort of.

100 Days of Camping Day #9

Today was to be our moving day, but we ran into a few bumps.  First of all, we forgot about the 4th of July and didn't make a reservation, something rather silly of us since we know how busy the parks get on the holidays.  In light of that and some engine problems we were having, we were thinking we'd go and ask for an extension since we can stay up to 3 weeks.  But a planned power outage combined with us, frankly, dawdling, led to a knock on our door at 11:45 reminding us that we needed to move by noon because of the cross-over program.  Another camper already had their sticker on our site.  Oops!  At 12:10 we pulled out after a mad dash to get everything ready.  No less than four times from our camping spot to the country store at the front, our engine stalled.  After much deliberation and some prayer, we decided that the best route would be to extend our stay and find a spot on the north side of the campground for a few days.  How silly of us to procrastinate, if we had talked to the ranger sooner, we would have been able to keep our spot with full hookups, but the north side of the park is pretty too.

What is rather remarkable about our adventure is that it has been very tricky for us to find mechanics willing and able to work on our older RV.  But right here in Pio Pico is a resident mechanic who specializes in RVs, and more especially, in carburetors, which is what our RV seems to be struggling with.  Most of the newer RVs don't even have carburetors anymore, but this man has a little set-up on his property where he soaks them and cleans and repairs them.  And because it's so local, he doesn't charge for a service call.  Being in need of carburetor repair as we are, we couldn't have picked a better spot for the RV to force it's hand and say, "No, you're fixing me NOW, so there!"

We drove into town and purchased the parts ourselves.  Our fuel gauge has been acting up and we tried to get a replacement part for it too, but that will have to wait.

I was busy feeding the baby, so today's post features photography by my seven-year-old son Peter.  He was rather anxious to see his work published online, so this is a milestone for him.  I think he did a really good job!  As such, I didn't trim any of the pictures to preserve his original work.

Tamsyn Spackman

About the Author

Tamsyn Spackman

Tamsyn is a 2nd generation homeschooling mom. And is excited to be on the road with her family. See her other projects on and

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I needed some welding done on my steps when we were at that park and there was a guy who did that as well!

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